Passenger Manifests
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The story...

The passenger manifests of the 9/11 flights have been suppressed, and that in itself is proof that something odd is going on. What have they got to hide?

Our take...

Who says the manifests have been suppressed? The Boston Globe (for example) obtained manifests from the planes hijacked from Boston very soon after 9/11, as reported by CBS News on September 14th, 2001.

The Boston Globe reported on its web site Thursday that it had obtained a copy of the complete manifest list of the planes hijacked from Boston.

The Globe said according to the manifest, Mohamed Atta, one of the suspected terrorists, was assigned seat 8D in business class on American Airlines Flight 11, directly across the aisle from Hollywood producer David Angell and his wife, Lynn, who were in seats 8A and 8B, respectively. Seated next to Atta in seat 8G was Abdul Alomari. FBI investigators have searched Alomari's home in Vero Beach.

The Globe reported the passenger list for United Air Lines Flight 175 shows that Marwan Alshehri got on the plane that left Boston and slammed into one of the Manhattan skyscrapers 15 minutes after Flight 11...

Click here for a graphic they used giving more information on Flight 11 (original URL ). This does actually present another question, because one of the hijackers is referred to as Abdulrahman rather than Abdulaziz. Why? A Saudi Information Agency article suggests that Abdulrahman was his middle name, so the explanation could be as simple as a transcription error, although of course there’s no way we can say for sure.

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